Hacksaw Facts
From wCw.com

What's a Hacksaw site without a short biography on his AWESOME life inside the squared circle.

Hacksaw was born in Glens Falls New York on January 14 1953.

In 1977, Hacksaw played for the Atlanta Falcons in the NFL (sadly Goldberg wasn't playing with him) and he was kicked out of the NFL for clotheslining FOREIGNERS during play. He went to the CFL to play for the Toronto Argonauts (what in the heck is an 'Argonaut'?)

Hacksaw then said 'enough is enough' and in September 1977, he debuted in the Mid-South area. There, in 1984, he became the first man to humliate Jim Cornette by cutting off his hair.

Hacksaw's hate for FOREIGNERS came to a climax when Akbar almost blinded DA MAN 4 LIFE, but Hacksaw came back and surely won his feud.

In 1986, the Wrestling Fans Internationsl Association voted Hacksaw Jim Duggan as 'Wrestler Of The Year'. Truly a GREAT moment in his career. On May 16th of that same year, he won his first title (the UWF North American title) from Buzz Sawyer in Oklahoma city.

After a few years saving the MINOR leagues, Vincent Kennedy McMahon Junior saw this man's limitless potential, and quickly signed him to his ever-growing WWF.

He made his first Pay Per View appearance at the GRAND DADDY of em all, WrestleMania III. He managed the Killer Bees to a DQ loss agains the FOREIGN tandem of the Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff.

At the 1987 Survivor Series, Hacksaw led Randy Savage, Brutus Beefcake, Ricky Steamboat and Jake Roberts against the Honky Tonk Man, Ron Bass, Danny Davis, King Harley Race and Hercules Hernandez. Despite being the best REAL athlete in the ring, Harley Race dragged DA MAN to the outside of the ring, they were both counted out, surely a plan from that EVIL Jimmy Hart.

In 1988, at the initial Royal Rumble, Hacksaw overcame ALL odds to win the first Royal Rumble ever by singlehandedly the One Man Gang. By the way, Hacksaw won this event in a FOREIGN country, so this makes his victory much more sweeter.

At WrestleMania IV, Hacksaw was in the opening match of the WWF title tournament against Ted DiBiase. The man was on his way to win HIS belt, but if it wasn't for that stinking Andre (or Andor) the Giant (or Gaint), DiBiase advanced.

After that, Hacksaw targeted the man who cost him HIS belt, Andor the Gaint. The two feuded all over 1988 and Hacksaw delivered some of the stiffest 2x4 shots you have ever seen.

At the 88 Survivor Series, the match was Jake Roberts, Ken Patera, Tito Santana, Scott Casey & HACKSAW Jim Duggan v. Rick Rude, Dino Bravo, Harley Race, Mr. Perfect & Andre the Giant. In the end, Hacksaw was DQed for hitting Dino Bravo with a 2x4 !!! The ref was obviously not paying attention backstage, because it is A OK to hit FOREIGNERS with 2x4s !

Hacksaw began 1989 with a bang when he carried the Hart Foundation to a 2 out of 2 falls victory over Dino Bravo and the Rougeaus.

At WrestleMania V, Hacksaw and Bad News Brown brawled over Trump Plaza for a double DQ.

Meanwhile, Hacksaw Jim Duggan became UNDISPUTED KING of the WWF when he beat Haku for that PRESTIGIOUS title.

At SummerSlam 89, Hacksaw teamed up with Demolition (who has JUST lost the tag team belts BTW - Harharharharharhar) and the talented trio did what they did best, BEAT PEOPLE UP !!!! They won the match after a 2x4 shot from DA MAN !!

On a TV taping, Randy Macho Man Savage DETHRONED DA MAN after many BRUTAL top rope elbow drops and STOLE the crown from the patriot.

At the CLASSIC 89 Survivor Series, the American Hero lowered himself yet again because he teamed with Bert Clarke. The rest of his team (named 2x4s) were Rugged Ronnie Garvin and Hercules. Their oppnents were Randy Savage, Dino Bravo, Greg Valentine & Earthquake. Hacksaw manages to be all alone against Earthquake, Dino Bravo AND Randy Savage, but even a man like Hacksaw could take on those three. The bad guys CHEATED to beat ONE man.

The new decade began with Hacksaw and the Big Boss Man tearing the house down at the Rumble. The Boss Man loses by DQ when he uses his nightstick to beat on Duggan. What kind of man is he ??? Hacksaw NEVER cheats !!

At one of the greatest PPVs of ALL-TIME, WrestleMania VI, Hacksaw showed KKKanadaa, what a KKKanadiaan SHOULD be, when he beat up Dino Bravo. Hacksaw wins despite interferance by Earthquake AND Jimmy Hart.

In SummerSlam, Hacksaw formed an alliance with that former pinko-commie trash, Nikolai Volkoff and the duo DESTROYED the Orient Express. (BTW, emolition lost the tag team belts at this PPV too - harharharharhar)

The 1990 Survivor Series not only featured the debut of the GREAT Gobleddy Gooker, but Hacksaw AND Hulk Hogan in the SAME ring at the SAME time !! Truly a GREAT moment in history. They were with the Big Boss Man and Tugboat (The Hulkamaniacs) to fight the Natural Disasters (Earthquake, Dino Bravo, Haku and the Barbarian). Despite the POWER of Hulkamania and ALL the Hulkamaniacs, the man was CHEATED out of a victory when he gets DQed for hitting Earthquake with a 2x4.

In 1991, Hacksaw is in his first Rumble since 88 and he is number 21, but Mr. imPerfect CHEATS after Hacksaw is in the Rumble for only 2 minutes ! Thankfully, Hulk won it by eliminating Hennig.

Hacksaw didn't appear too much later in 91. I thibnk it was because the Mountie was running around with Repo Man reposessing everybody's possesions, so Hacksaw had to leave his sport. Plus, I heard he was against teh WWF signing Ric Flair, so that must explain his absense.

The next time we saw this legend was at the 91 Survivor Series. Hacksaw teamed with the reformed Sgt. Slaughter, Tito Santana and the Texas Tornado against the legendary team of Colonel Mustafa, The Berzerker, Skinner and Hercules. The Americans all survive when Hacksaw pins the Berzerker.

In the 92 Rumble where Hacksaw was # 17. When all the men are in a sure dream match-up, the two powerful forces known as Virgil and Hacksaw Jim Duggan collide, and both men are visibly shaken, and they both accidently eliminate each other.

At WrestleMania VIII, Hacksaw was involved in a 8-man tag team match for the ages when he, Sgt. Slaughter, Virigl, the Big Boss Man to fight against Repo Man, the Nasty Boys and the Mountie. The good guys win aftyer Virgil pins great athlete Brian Knobbs.

Hacksaw was not at SummerSlam 92. Why ?? Because it was held in England ... a FOREIGN country !!!!!! So I'm sure Jim said 'NO WAY !!!!!'

Then, around that time, a new force entered the WWF; Yokozuna. For months, many top superstars like Virgil, Bob Backlund and Barry Horowitz tried to take him down and make the big man fall. But they all failed. On a Spring episode of Superstars in 1993, Hacksaw challenged the mammoth in a 'Take Him Off Of His Feet Match'. And guess who broke Yoko's record ???? YES THE MAN !!! It was one of the proudest moments in the career of the GREAT Hacksaw but Yokozuna ruined it when he almost KILLED the man after THREE bonzai drops. How dare he do such a thing ???? Hacksaw was forced to stay out action forever, but did he listen to the doctors ?? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!! He came back BETTER than ever !!

After Yokozuna lost to Hulk Hogan at WrestleMania IX, the WWF went to a tour in Europe and Hacksaw BEAT Stinkozuna TWICE in less than 2 minutes !!!

On a May edition of RAW, Hacksaw came close to winning the Intercontinental title in a Lumberjack match against Shawn Michaels, but Curt Hennig cost him the belt IIRC by attacking Shawn.

Hacksaw would qualify for the first King of the Ring by beating Papa Shango, but at the event, he would lose in the first round to Bam Bam Bigelow. Sadly, this would be the last we would hear from DA MAN for a while.

When Hulk Hogan SHOCKED the world by signing a deal with WCW in 1994, he brought some old friends like the Honky Tonk Man, Brother Bruti, Jimmy Hart and HACKSAW JIM DUUGAN !! FINALLY, Jim had found a new home in Atlanta. And his life would NEVER be the same !!

In his very first WCW appearance, Ricky Steamboat was scheduled to fight Steve Austin for the United States belt, but Steamboat was injured and couldn't wrestle, so commisioner Nick Bockwinkle found a substitute for the Dragon in HACKSAW JIM DUGGAN. He stromed into the ring with american flag in one hand, and the 2x4 in the other and Austin ws not only in shock, but he tried to get out of the match, but then, he tried to sneak attack DA MAN, but He saw it coming and backdrops Austin and he gave him a BIIIIIG splash and got the 1-2-3 !! WE HAD A NEWWWWWW US champ !!!!!!

There was a rematch at Halloween Havoc in which Hacksaw had the match won, but Austin backdrops Hacksaw to the floor and Austin goty DQed. There was yet another rematch at the Clash at the Champion the next month, Hacksaw won again, but after a Vader/Dustin Rhodes match, Vader tried to punish the son of the Polka Dot legend, but Hacksaw would not see that and he intervened. That got the mastadon angry and the two would have a legendary confrontation at StarrCade 94.

The two big men opened up the PPV and after a stellar 20 minutes, Hacksaw got CHEATED OUT of HIS belt after Harley Race gave Vader the 2x4. A sad day in our sport.

Hacksaw picked up the pieces and started to target Col. Parker's Studd Stable. He and Bunkhouse Buck TORE the house down at SuperBrawl V and Hacksaw won, but not before being face-to-face with Haku's identical cousin Meng, the Face of TERROR. Those two would meet each other at the initial Uncensored in 1995 (considered to be one of the greatest PPVs of all-time) in a Martial Arts Match. Meng cheated to win because he had Sonny Onoo as referee.

When Vader feared that Hacksaw would want a rematch for the US belt, Vader relinquished the title and a tournament was held to fill the vacancy. In the first round, Hacksaw was wrestling Steve Austin yet again, but this time, Austin and Col. Parker CHEATED to win. At least Austin didn't last in the WCW for much longer cause Hacksaw taped fist punched Steve Austin to Japan, and by the time Austin came back, Eric fired him.

At the Great American Bash, Marcus Alexander Bagwell was supposed to fight the newcommer Sgt. Craig Pittbull Pittman, but the Pittbul BRUTALLY injured Bagwell, and Hacksaw saved the young superstar from a career ending injury. He stepped up to the plate and beat the Pittbull by D-Q.

During that time, the Hulkamaniacs were getting threatened by the Dungeon of Doom, a collection of VICIOUS wrestlers. One of them was Kamala. And at the Bash at the Beach, those two TITANS fought, but Kamala won the first round. The Dungeon would lose later on to the Hulkamaniacs.

In the fall of 95, footage was shown on WCW TV of Hacksaw going to Ireland and finding more about his heritage. What he found out was that he came from a LONG line of Taped Fists Champions ! He brought that overseas and became a sensation to ALL Americans (once again). This brought the attention of the EVIL Big Bubba Rogers and that mean ol'nasty Michael V.K. WallStreet. Fortunately, Hacksaw had Dave Sullivan and Ralph the rabbit on his side, and thsoe two would clean the bad guys clocks !!! Although, I remember Big Bubber stealing Ralph (I hope he didn't do what he did to Pepper to Ralph), but Hacksaw found Ralph and threw him in the ring (a FLYING RABBIT!!) and that gave Big Bubber a rash (because he is allergic to rabbits) which permitted Big Bubba to lose his match (this happened on a Saturday Night). At World War 3, Hacksaw and Bubba would settle their differences in a Taped Fist match that Hacksaw would win. But Hacksaw would have no luck in winning the WCW title in a 60-man 3-ring battle royale. I don't remember how he got elimnated because HE GOT GAGAed !!!!

During the SuperBrawl VI pre-game show, Hacksaw would fight the LEGENDARY Loch Ness Monster, but the two titans would go to a hardcore draw.

Meanwhile, Hacksaw focussed on his feud with V.K. WallMart. The two would be forced to team up during the Lethal Lottery at Slamboree 96. In the first round they would soundly beat Lard Steven Regal and Sissy David Taylo, but V.K.'s EVILNESS would be far too much for Hacksaw, so he cost himself a WCW title shot at the Great American Bash, and helped Earl Robert Eaton and Dirty Dick Slater get a victory over V.K. and Duggan. That feud just INTENSIFIED over the next few months. (Note : This feud ALSO included Sgt. Craig Pittbull Pittman with Hacksaw and Jumping Joey Maggs against Big Bubber, WallStreet and Chris Canyon)

In the spring of 96, Hacksaw challenged the Blue Bloods and took all of them out. From David Taylor, to Robert Eaton to Geeves. But when it came to Regal, the Lard one cheated to beat Hacksaw. It took 4 men to beat DA MAN.

On a Nitro, Lex Luger was scheduled to fight the Giant for the WCW title, but Luger couldn't make it, so Hacksaw took his place, but he gave a valiant (last minute) effort, but could not defeat the Gaint.

On a later Nitro, DDP would lose his Battle Bowl ring and he was telling Mean Gene about it, then in came in Hacksaw and he said 'I was in the toilet RELIEVING myself and found this ring', he gave it back to DDP but dropped it, so while DDP went to pick it up, Hacksaw ROLLED UP HIS FISTS and WHACKED HIM !!! HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !! The two would fight in a Taped Fist match at Bash at the Beach 96, but DDP would cheat to win.

On a July Nitro, after defeating Mike Enos, Hacksaw called out Hulk 'Hollywood' Hogan. After calling him 'a great technical wrestler', he said that he ain't affraid of the nWo and he would fight against it FOREVER !!

At the Clash of the Champion in August, Hacksaw would be robbed out of a victory from V.K. WallStreet, but would avenge the loss a few days later on Nitro and also, in October.

When all of WCW top stars were in Japan, the nWo took over Nitro and they took TOTAL control of the show. One of the matches was supposed to be Hacksaw Jim Duggan against Big Ron Studd, but after an nWo beat-down, Syxx came in and got a beating of a lifetime. If not for the ring announcer, the Giant (again !!), Hacksaw would have given the nWo their first defeat, but the Gaint chokslammed Hacksaw on the floor and gave Syxx a victory.

Once again, Hacksaw was GAGAed at WW3.

In January, Hacksaw was getting ready to DESTROY and ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK a FOREIGNER by the name of Super Calo on Nitro, but Sting slopdropped DA MAN and prevented DA MAN from bashing a FOREIGNER.

On a March Nitro, Hacksaw fought the AWESOME RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRenegade, and after a stellar display from both combatants, Hacksaw won. He saw a 'Duggan 3:16' sign, to which he gave a thumbs up to. HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

During this time, V.K. WallStreet joined the nWo, and since Hacksaw did NOT like the nWo, their feud continued !!

For the third straight year, Hacksaw was GAGAed at WW3.

In the Fall of 1998, Hacksaw revealed to the world that he would retire from wrestling because of a cancerous tumor in his kidney.

On April 99, Hacksaw returned and defeated Lenny Lane at a Las Vegas Nitro in his return match

From there, Hacksaw would fight on Saturday Night while helping younger starts like Bobby Blaze get their break.

In the Fall of 99, a new superstar would enter wCw, his name was Berlyn. He was scheduled to face Buff Bagwell at Fall Brawl, but he couldn't show up so Hacksaw replaced Puff and gave it his best try, but could NOT beat the german, only because he did not have a lot of time to prepoare himself for the match. After Berlyn won, Puff came down to the ring and tried to talk to Hacksaw but Hacksaw showed Puff what a REAL ICON is supposed to be.

In October, the POWERS THAT BE arrived at wCw. They forced poor Hacksaw to become their janitor. Hacksaw ate some of Sting's brownies (with Ex-Lax in them) and he had to use the toilet, and he used the toilets of THE POWERS THAT BE !!!!!! Harharharhar ! He even showed off his musical skills to the Maestro and Symphony.

Then came the Revolution. They became of soverign nation and they denounced America. Chris Benoit tried to get heat by this, but failed, so Hacksaw had to save his booty and he got in a long feud with the Revolution. The feud culminated at StarrCade. If Hacksaw and his mystery partners could not beat the Revolution, Hacksaw would denounce the USA. If the Revolution won, they had to clean toilets for one month. The POWERS THAT BE forced Hacksaw to team up with his MORTAL enemy, Michael WallStreet (along with Rick Steiner and Kevin Sullivan). Those CHEATERS betrayed Hacksaw and cause him to lose. But fear not Dugganites, because the next day on Nitro, he said to the Revolution 'I LIED !!!!!!' and he DIDN'T denounce !!! HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! USA !!! USA !!! USA !!

Well, I proved to be right, in one way or another. Shortly afterwards writing the above, Eddy, Chris Benwar, Dinko Malenko and Perry Satellite all left the wCw for McMahonLand.

On a February edition of wCw Saturday Night, Hacksaw Jim DUggan came out with a trash bag and he told the fans that he found something very important. SOmething all the FANCY DAN wrestlers don't give a darn about; the wCw Television Champion that was thrown out by Scott Hall in the trash right after Mayhem 99. It was at this moment that Hacksaw proclaimed himself the new TV Champ !!! But his time for glory didn't resy as Rock 'N' Roller Robert Gibson was his challenger on that very same show. After a 10 minute thriller of a contest, Hacksaw won his first title defense since 1994.

After several enthralling editions of Saturday Night (and victories over the EVIL Fidel Sierra and David Taylor), Lard Steven Regal challenged Hacksaw to a Title vs. Career Match. If Regal lost, he must leave wCw FOREVER !!!!!! And when this heavily hyped match occured on THA MUTHASHIP, Hacksaw didn't fail his many fans and retained his gold for the good ol' U.S. of A. !!!!! HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!

Then a travesty ocured. The then-regime of Kevin Sullivan was to be overthrown by THE POWER THAT BE Vince Russo and EZE himself Eric Bischoff. Since they wanted to EVEN THE PLAYING FIELD, they stripped all of wCw's current champions!!!! Hacksaw didn't even show up and he RETIRED with that shinny gold belt !

We would not see Hacksaw Jim Duggan until July of 2000 when Goldberg turned his back on his Goldiemaniacs and he MADE HACKSAW BLEED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He hit him in the kidneys and dspite all the beaten he received, Goldberg still won, but it was his conscious that prevented him from winning the World title later that evening.

Next time we all would see him would be on the Nitro right before Fall Brawl in September 2000. He would pass the flag to General Hugh G. Rection in a touching moment for all. When Team KKKanaadaa interrupted, Team USA USA USA USA accepted their challenge for a fight later in the evening. The ONLY way Team FOREIGNER could ever beat Hacksaw would be if they jumped him before the match, and that's what they did. It was really a handicap match until Hacksaw BRAVELY limped down to the ring and tried to help rection, but Fat Chance Storm cheated to get a victory. Hacksaw all but left the sport until .....

He was betrayed by That Canadian Guy Mike Aweful in a tag team match on the last Thunder of 2000. That was his first appearance in MONTHS as I was in a coma since that Thunder right before Fall Brawl of 2000. I awoke just in time to catch this event. But CEO Rick Flab appointed him as guest referee in a Canadian Penalty Box match ("PENALTY BOX ! PENALTY BOX ! PENALTY BOX ! PENALTY BOX ! PENALTY BOX ! PENALTY BOX !") at WCW Sin 2001. In the match, Hacksaw was FAIR AND JUST, but those FOREIGNERS cheated their way to victory when that KIDman tapped out and Hacksaw, feeling REALLY nice, asked the timekeeper to ring the bell.

Hacksaw has a wife named Debra and has two daughter named Rebecca and Celia.