(IN BOTH THE WWF AND WCW BOARDS) Subj: HOOOOOOOOO! Date: 96-06-13 02:14:02 EDT From: DugganFan1 Hey there all you Hulkamanics. Since I'm new to AOL, I figured I'd post a message or two to get acquainted with you all first. Obviouisly my favorite wrestler is the greatest of all time, "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan. If you disagree with me, to quote the great Steve McMichael, "You've got rocks in your head, babydoll." Take a look at a few facts: -Duggan does moves that no one else on the planet could do. Have you ever seen Ray Mysterio Jr do a 3 point stance clothesline? Ever seen Chris Benoit knock someone's block off with a taped fist? I can't recall seeing Dean Malenko nailing a 2x4 shot with the same velocity as Jim Duggan has. -Duggan technially is undefeated. I cannot recall a match that he lost that his opponent did not cheat. At WrestleMania IV he took Ted DiBiase to the limit, and would have won the tournament if it had not been for the dirty nasty rotten filthy stinky Giant. So to me, Jim Duggan is still the WWF Champion. Jim showed the Giant who's boss though, knocking him cold with one of the hardest 2x4 shots ever. Duggan later went on to defeat Haku to capture the prestigious "King of the WWF" title. Duggan would still be sitting on his throne today had it not been for the cheating ways of the Macho man Randy Savage (The one and only LOOSE CANNON. Thank Heavens and the Hulkster that he has repented). Duggan went on to win epic struggles against Canadian Strongman Dino Bravo, the legendary Bad News Brown, the Barbarian, and took the Canadian Earthquake to the limit. USA! USA! USA! Duggan took Sgt. Slaughter to the limit during a brief feud, Slaughter only won because of that rotten General Adnan. USA! USA! HOOOOOO! . Slaughter soon changed his evil ways (thanks to the Immortal Hulk Hogan) and teamed with Duggan to form one of the fiercest duos ever. Duggan/Slaughter would've won the tag titles, had it not been for that snake in the grass, Jimmy Hart, cheating on his own team (The legendary Natural Disasters), taking Duggan/Slaughter's shot at the titles at WM8 away from them. But that didn't stop Duggan. Another foreigner came into the WWF under the name of Yokozuna. But ol' Jim showed him who's boss. Duggan floored him with a 3 pont stance, proving who the man is. That rotten Yokozuna did hurt Duggan, but Duggan still remained victorious. Sadly, Jim was not allowed to regain the prestigious crown at King of the Ring 93 because of Bam Bam Bigelow. Pigelow took advantage of Duggan's weakened condition (due to the injury Yokozuna inflicted upon him earlier) and did win, but not in my opinion. In my opinion, Jim Duggan reigned supreme, and will get Bam Bam when he decides to go WHERE THE BIG BOYS PLAY. Once entering WCW, Jim Duggan hit the ring with a force never before seen. Duggan defeated the self-proclaimed "Ringmaster" Steve Austin in less than 20 seconds. Jim stood tall with his US championship title until The Man They Call Vader cheated to win. But it didn't discourage Jim. Ol' Hacksaw wasn't down. In fact, he showed that big tough Meng who the man was at Uncensored 95 in a Martial Arts match. Duggan was familiar with Meng's style, having faced a similar opponent in Haku in the WWF. (on a side note, does anyone know if Haku & Meng are related?). Since that epic struggle, Duggan has feuded non-stop with WCW's top talent, including V.K. Wallstreet & Big Bugga. Thank heavens for Sgt. Craig "The Pitbull" Pittman & Jumpin' Joey Maggs. Jim has found friends in them, and will soon drive Wallstreet from WCW. -To those who say that Duggan was caught smoking pot with the Iron Sheik -- I DON'T BELIEVE IT! DUGGAN HATES THE IRON SHEIK! HE KICKED HIS BEHIND IN THE WWF! WHY WOULD HE HANG OUT WITH HIM?? HE'S A FOREIGNER!! U S A! U S A! U S A! -Duggan will undoubtedly be wearing gold again in WCW, WHERE THE BIG BOYS PLAY. It is just a matter of who gives him a title shot. So Luger, watch out. Giant, keep your eyes open. Konan, you're no match for Duggan. Malenko better watch his back as well. Jim Duggan will drop 30 pounds in days and pin him after the dreaded 3 point stance tackle. HOOOOOOOOOO! Another point I would like to make regarding Duggan: The man was hardcore before it was 'in.' Jim Duggan's been tearing men up since the UWF. Everyone in the ECW wants to be Hacksaw Jim Duggan. Why else do you think they use so many foreign objects in their matches? It's because of the trend setter, JIM DUGGAN. Now before you get on me for giving Duggan the praise he deserves, I'll list my top 10 list. All these wrestlers are great, and I would love to see a battle royal featuring them. 1. Hacksaw Jim Duggan 2. The Immortal Hulk Hogan 3. The Ultimate Warrior 4. The American Dream Dusty Rhodes 5. The Renegade 6. Marcus Alexander Bagwell 7. The Bootyman 8. Virgil 9. Chris Kanyon 10. Bastion Booger Honorable Mention goes to Jumpin' Joey Maggs. He should go to the Power Plant or Warrior University, and maybe he'll be another Hulk Hogan one day. HOOOOOOOOOO! 10 best tag teams ever: 1. Hacksaw Jim Duggan/Sgt. Slaughter 2. Hacksaw Jim Duggan/Craig Pittman 3. The Bushwhackers 4. The Godwinns 5. The American Males 6. The Natural Disasters 7. Stars & Stripes 8. The Young Stallions 9. Men at Work 10. The REAL Loose Cannon Randy Savage & Zeus - I didn't like this team, but they were unstoppable. I'd love a Zeus/Duggan match. Honorable mention goes to the Kongs (Awesome & King).. they were great too. Tekno Team 2000 would be good too if they'd tape their fists up. Now what makes a great card even greater? Announcers. Here are my top 5 announcers: 1. Gorilla Monsoon 2. Dusty Rhodes 3. Chris Cruise 4. Eric Bischoff 5. Steve McMichael Honorable mention goes to Vince McMahon. I liked Vince until recently when he said that that no-good cheater Vader had fans. How could he have fans? He cheats!! That's about it. I can't wait til Mongo & Greene squash those 2 filthy Horsemen (or should I say "Hossmen" to quote the great Dusty) at the Bash. That'll be great. I look for Duggan to win quite a few titles in the future. Anyone out there share the same interests as me? I'm basically a Duggan, Hogan, & their friends fan. Although I do like Bastion Booger too. He was a future star til Virgil pinned him 1 2 3. If anyone has jpgs of Sapphire or Helen Hart, please e-mail me. No nudes though. I'm looking for a tape with Sapphire vs. Bertha Faye tuxedo match on it, or Helen Hart vs. Luna Vachon in a barbed wire baseball bat match. Anyone know where I could find these? DF1 HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! BTW - what's the deal with Diesel and Razor? Will this lead to a WWF vs. WCW PPV? I'd love to see Duggan get his hands on some of those WWF "superstars." (FROM THE WWF BOARD) Subj: WWF's 10 worst Date: 96-06-13 18:30:25 EDT From: DugganFan1 HOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Hey folks, Jim DugganFan1 here, I was lacin' up my boots and shinin' up my 2x4 and thinkin....and it gave me an idea...just WHO are the WWF's 10 worst wrestlers? 1. The Man They Call Vader -- He cheats!!! That's all there is to say, he CHEATS!!! Jim Duggan cleaned his clock in WCW (WHERE THE BIG BOYS PLAY). The IMMORTAL Hulk Hogan showed Vader who the MAN REALLY IS. Yet this "Man" they call Vader is still claiming to be some sort of a force. Well, I guess it shows what the competition in the WWF is really like. 2. Steve Austin -- Jim Duggan tore this man up in 20 seconds. And to think that people believe Austin is "stone cold"...all I can say is that the next WWF champion, Savio Vega, showed Steve Austin what a real whipping is. 3. Owen Hart -- Has this guy ever won a match? What is he anyways? Is he a slammy award winner? Is he a "king of harts?" Is he the "rocket?" No, he's just a loser! har har har USA! USA! 4. Davey Boy Smith -- USA! USA! USA! USA! Although he did take Shawn Michaels to the limit (I guess that says that the WWF talent level is nothing NEAR the level of WCW WHERE THE BIG BOYS PLAY), this man sucks. He's a foreigner!! 5. Goldust -- Jim Duggan'd show this freak what a REAL man is. I think a taped fist shot right between the eyes would knock the "bizarre" out of him. 6. Mankind -- I've seen him before, but I don't know where. Jim Duggan would knock his other ear out and the rest of his teeth with a 2x4 shot. I can't wait til Mankind RESTS IN PEACE at the hands of the UNDERTAKER! 7. Hunter Hearst Helmsley -- this guy's a "lady's man"??? HAHAH... Jim Duggan is a REAL lady's man. 8. Leeth Cassedy -- this guy is a DORK!! He hasn't pulled off ANY good moves yet. Shawn Michaels he's not. Somebody should bury this guy in the Snow. I wish Marty'd knock some sense into him. Unfortunately, Leeth's dorkiness is rubbing off on Marty. ALright, I guess it's time for Jim Duggan to take control and kock Leeth's head off with his taped fist. 9. Jerry Lawler -- This guy hasn't won a match ever. He couldn't win a match if his life depended on it. He should go to some smaller federations first and try to win, but I doubt he could. I recommend a stint at Warrior University for this chump. 10. Bret Hart -- "The best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be"????? What a liar!! Everyone knows that JIM DUGGAN is the BEST THERE IS, THE BEST THERE WAS, AND THE BEST THERE EVER WILL BE...HOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Plus Bret's a foreigner. USA! USA! How could something this stupid come from Helen Hart? 5 worst tag teams: 1. The New Rockers -- these guys are dorks 2. The Bodydonnas -- They can't wrestle. Period. 3. The Smoking Gunns -- I like the Gunns, but Sunny needs to take a hike. Maybe, they should get Sapphire. 4. Owen Hart & Davey Boy Smith -- USA! USA! USA! USA! 5. PG-13 -- I haven't seen these guys wrestle lately but they sucked. The WWF doesn't have many other teams that are bad. The Godwinns & Bushwhackers just knock all the bad ones out of the WWF. Worst announcers: 1. Jerry Lawler -- This guy should take lessons from Mongo, babydoll 2. Mr. Perfect -- I wish he'd shut up. HHH and Steve Austin suck!! Yet he likes them?? 3. Dok Hendrix -- Somebody should throw this BAD commentator out on the STREET. That's about it. Oh yeah, I'd like to tell you guys about my upcoming trip. I'm gonna go to Ireland and visit various sites that Jim Duggan's great grandmother won taped fist matches at. I'll be sure to scan the pictures and upload them for you all. HOOOOOOOOOOOO! DF1 (FROM THE WCW BOARD) Subj: WCW's 10 worst Date: 96-06-13 17:59:33 EDT From: DugganFan1 HOOOOOOOOOO!! Hey folks. Due to the great response to my 10 favorites post, I'll post the 10 worst wrestlers (in order) in WCW (WHERE THE BIG BOYS PLAY). I'll also give a brief reason why. 10 worst singles wrestlers: 1. The Nature Boy, Ric Flair -- has he ever won a match without cheating???? I can't wait til Mongo & LEAN, MEAN, Kevin Greene destroy this trash at the GREAT AMERICAN BASH. I'll be watching!! HOOOOOOOOOOO! 2. The Giant -- If it weren't for the snake in the grass, Jimmy Hart, Duggan would be the world champion TODAY. At least Jim is getting revenge on Andre in a way by beating his son so badly. 3. V.K. Wallstreet -- Jim Duggan has torn him up. The animosity between these two has never been so evident as it was at WCW (WHERE THE BIG BOYS PLAY) Slamboree 96, when these two men were on the same team. It was so great when Duggan nailed VK with his taped fist. 4. Lord Steven Regal -- 1 main reason...HE'S A FOREIGNER!! USA! USA! USA! USA! HOOO! 5. Arn Anderson -- has this guy ever won a match without help? He's no enforcer, he's more like loser!! He and Flair make a great team...of chickens!! 6. Chris Benoit -- this guy can't wrestle. Period. I haven't seen this guy pull off a move yet. If he was smart, he'd go to the WCW Powerplant or Warrior University. At least he's with 2 other losers in the Horsemen. 7. Kevin Sullivan -- this snake in the grass tried to end Hulkamania. WHAT AN IDIDOT!! NO ONE CAN END HULKAMANIA!! HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! 8. Dean Malenko -- "The man of 1000 holds"???? More like the "man of 1000 losses"!! He couldn't win a match or get a hold right if his life depended on it. He's a wuss too, that's why he's in the Cruiserweight division. I can't wait til Brad Armstrong shows him who the man is again. He's lucky Jim Duggan doesn't drop 30 lbs and compete in the cruiserweight division. 9. Meng, the face of terror -- USA! USA! USA! USA! He cheated against Jim Duggan at one of my favorite PPV's, Uncensored 95, but Duggan has gotten the best of him lately. 10. Lex Luger -- I don't trust him. Sting, if you're reading this, dump the bum. Get the MACHO MAN, RANDY SAVAGE or the IMMORTAL HULK HOGAN as your tag team partner. Anybody but him. And here are WCW's 5 worst tag teams: 1. The Bluebloods - USA! USA! USA! 2. The Public Enemy -- these guys are Jim Duggan imitators, trying to use tables and all. Where'd these bums come from anyways? 3. Harlem Heat -- These guys are terrible. 4. The Varrio Brothers -- USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! HOOOOOOOO! 5. VK Wallstreet & Big Bubba Rogers -- Jim Duggan & Craig Pittman have shown them who the boss is. My 5 least favorite managers: 1. Sonny Onoo -- Go back home, foreigner. USA! USA! USA! Jim Duggan could knock those Japanese freaks out cold with his taped fist. 2. The Snake in the Grass, Jimmy Hart -- Ooooh I don't like this guy...ever since he turned his back on the IMMORTAL Hulk Hogan. 3. The Devilish woman, Woman -- If it weren't for her, Ric Flair wouldn't get any victories. I wish Duggan would knock her cold with a taped fist shot. 4. Col. Robert Parker -- I do believe that Madusa has shown him who the boss is. I loved it when Duggan nailed him with a 2x4 shot. 5. Miss Elizabeth -- WHY would anyone do this to the MACHO MAN, RANDY SAVAGE? Randy is one of the greatest of all time, and this devilish woman has been messing with his head for too long. I just can't wait til Randy gets his hands on that Ric Flair...hoepfully it'll be after the Bash though, I can't wait to see Mongo beat Flair's tail. There are only 2 announcers that I don't like in WCW (WHERE THE BIG BOYS PLAY), and those are the self proclaimed "living legend" Larry Zhybizhkoeokohko and Bobby Heenan. They don't know what they're talking about. I wish Mongo would open up a broadcasting school, then maybe these guys would be decent. Until next time, tuff guy!! HOOOOOOOOO! DF1 (FROM THE WWF BOARD) Subj: DugganFan's half year awards Date: 96-06-17 03:01:48 EDT From: DugganFan1 HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Hey folks, Jim DugganFan1 here, gonna give you all my half year awards for the WWF so far. 1) Wrestler of the year: This was an easy pick, as the ULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLTIMATE WARRIOR has given great match after great match after great match. I can't wait til he comes to my neck of the woods so I can see him live. HOOOOOOOOOO! I wonder if the ULLLLLLLLLTIMATE WARRIOR comes from a long line of taped fist champions as well, he has to because no one who hasn't come from a long line of taped fist champions could be this successful. 2) Best Tag Team: Another easy choice. The Bushwhackers have once again made their mark on the WWF by taking out such teams as the New Rockers and the Bodydonnas. Their kangaroo is so cool too. I wonder if it's a real kangaroo or not. It kinda looks like one. 3) Manager of the year: The Bushwhackers' kangaroo. An easy choice, as the kangaroo has obviously taken the 'Whackers back to their roots. Where did the Bushwhackers catch such a huge kangaroo? I might have to take a trip to Australia (after my journey to Ireland) to see if there really are kangaroos that big there. 4) Pay Per View of the Year: In Your House April, featuring the historic battle between the Godwinns & the Bodydonnas, and the ULLLLLLLLLLLTIMATE WARRIOR vs. Goldust. The Warrior knocked the bizarre out of Goldust with a few rights and lefts. That was a great match. Pretty exciting. How could one not think it'd be exciting, it featured the ULLLLLLTIMATE WARRIOR? 5) Match of the Year: The ULLLLLLTIMATE WARRIOR vs. Goldust (IYH April). What a match. So many great moves in it. I think the high point came at around 12:54 when the Warrior started smoking Marlena's cigar. har har har that really got me laughing. The Warrior is a true technician of the squared circle. This put the Malenko/Mysterio match at the GREAT AMERICAN BASH (from WCW WHERE THE BIG BOYS PLAY) to shame. I'll be van-Damned if some Sabu guy could do better than this match. Or how about that Shawn Michaels punk? I don't think those ladies would like Shawn so much after Jim Duggan knocks him to the moon and gives him 2 black eyes with his TAPED-FIST-O-TERROR! 6) Best good guy: Of course, the ULLLLLLLLLLLLTIMATE WARRIOR. For reasons stated above. And who else could take a glass picture frame to the head and still stand? I'm beginning to think that even Jim Duggan's taped fist might not phase this guy. But I'm sure if Jim Duggan hit himwith the taped fist out of a 3 point stance, the Warrior would be done for. But that's ok, Jim & the Warrior are probably great buddies. 7) Best Bad Guy: The only bad guy to do anything good this year has been the KING of the WWF, MABEL. Mabel took it to Big Daddy Cool Diesel like no one else at the "Raw Bowl". I can't wait til MABEL attacks the winner of the King of the Ring (of course, Jake Roberts). Mabel, even though he's a bad guy, is one of the best wrestlers on the planet. I'd love to see this guy vs. John Tenta (another great) or Earthquake (one of my fav's). Yokozuna vs. Mabel would be great too, now that Yokozuna has wised up. But still, I'd root for Mabel, because Yoko isn't from the USA! USA! USA! USA! 8) Most Improved: Savio Vega. By the end of the year, this guy shall ascend to his rightful position as champion of the WWF. 9) Best Announcer: Vince McMahon. But I think the WWF should hire Dusty Rhodes still. I'm really down on Mongo. What a loser. 10) Best storyline: Another no-brainer, when THE UNDERTAKER disappeared from the coffin at In Your House Beware of Dog 2, I was in awe. I wonder if Jim Duggan can disappear like that. I'm sure he can, but I was still in awe that the UNDERTAKER can do it. Does anyone know how to disappear like that? I may post WCW half year awards in its respective folder. Until then, HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! DF1 (FROM THE WCW BOARDS) Subj: Re:A four star dud? Date: 96-07-16 07:01:41 edt From: DugganFan1 << Two possible candidates for match of the year - Benoit versus Malenko and Psicosis versus Misterio >> Benwah can't wrestle if his life depended on it. I've only seen him attempt to punch and kick, but that wasn't with his fists taped so it won't do any damage. Duggan's already tore into Malenkoo, so this match should stink up the house. Psychoses and Mysterio aren't from the US so I won't be watching the match.. I'll just be chanting USA! USA! USA! USA! HOOOOOO! >> Now if only they would ban slobs like Konnan, Duggan, McMichaels, Sully, Bubba, and Flesh Norton. << I'm with you on that except for Duggan of course. Cohnan was a chicken US champ, Mongo is a turncoat just like Hogan, Sullivan has gotten his tail kicked by Duggan and the immortal DAVE SULLIVAN, Bubba has felt first hand what a taped fist shot feels like, and Norton should be arrested for what he did to Teddy Long. DF1 (FROM THE WWF BOARD) Subj: A cross-eyed look at IYH Date: 96-07-16 05:38:50 edt From: DugganFan1 HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Hey folks, Jim DugganFan1 here again. If any of you wonder where I've been during the past few weeks, I was on vacation in Ireland, visiting sites that Jim Duggan's grandmother & great grandmother fought historic taped fist matches. HOOOOOOOOO!! Needless to say I was impressed. I've even got a picture of myself (yes, DugganFan1) next to a historic site where Ol' Ma Duggan defeated Big Bertha O'Mally in a taped fist match. If any of you would like it, e-mail me and I'll send it to you. First off I'd like to talk about the current WWF situation. I'm probably going to stop watching the WWF -- they couldn't even keep the ULLLLLLLLLLTIMATE WARRIOR for the 3rd time. Yes, I know this is the 5th different Ultimate Warrior, but still they shouldn't expect him to work for peanuts. The man practically built the WWF. I have a theory that the WWF may be trying to cover up the death of the 5th Warrior... but I'll get into that later sometime. I know that this Ultimate Warrior was really the Ultimate Solution from WCW (Why else did Jerry Lawler admit that the Warrior shaved his head?), and I haven't seen the Ultimate Solution since Randy Savage and that one guy (I'm not even going to mention his name.. he's a turncoat on WCW, and all of his little Hulkamanics) beat him up at my pick for PPV of the year, Uncensored. Right now, however, I'd like to talk about those 3 thugs, that gang, Camp Cornette. What a bunch of losers. Shawn, Ahmed, and SYCHO SID should have no trouble whatsoever at IN YOUR HOUSE INTERNATIONAL INCIdENT. What a PPV this'll be. I'm so excited. I can't wait. I'll love it when SYCHO SID powerbombs the "man" they call Vader through the ring. I'll love it when AHMED JOHNSON nails that filthy foreigner Davey Boy Smith with his PURL RIVAR PLUNG. Ahmed is really charismatic. I loved what he said in his interview last week with Shawn. Just listen to him, the man is destined for greatness. And then last but not least, the WWF Champion Shawn Michaels (although I am not a fan of his since he holds what is rightfully Jim Duggan's) will nail the SUPERKICK and knock Owen Hart's ugly stinky head off his foreign head. USA! USA! USA! HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Other matches for INTERNATIONAL INCIDENT The UNDERTAKER vs. that "bizarre" Goldust -- Har har har I can't wait til that little weird boy gets buried SIX FEET UNDER by the dead man. The only way I can see Goldust winning is if the Undertaker doesn't thaw out in time for his match. I wonder what it's like for the UT being dead. Jake the Snake Roberts vs. Mankind -- Ooooh I hate that Mankind guy. He's a little weasel. And when I took a trip to Scottsdale, AZ to see the ULLLLLLLLTIMATE WARRIOR, I saw a weasel run into a cactus and get hurt... and let me tell you jack, the Snake is going to run right over that weasel Mankind. Har har har. The Snake's in the best physical shape of his life, and his snake Revelations is hungry. That's so funny when Jake throws his snake on people. Tee hee hee. The WILDMAN Marc Mero vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin -- I'm mad at Steve Austin since he insulted Jake Roberts. Roberts has been a favorite of mine since he co-captained a team with my man Jim Duggan at Survivor Series 88. I can't believe Steve Austin swore at KOTR!!! He should be fined, suspended, and kicked out of the WWF! HOOOOOOOOOO!!! The Wildman isn't that good of a wrestler, but he should be able to defeat Steve Losstin. I think the Wildman belongs in WCW (WHERE THE BIG BOYS PLAY), he could learn from guys like Jim Duggan and Randy Savage there. I remember a guys with similar styles to his like Johnny B. Badd learning quite a bit from Randy and Jim. Too bad Johnny couldn't play with the BIG BOYS in WCW (WHERE THE BIG BOYS PLAY). But I wouldn't mind seeing the Wildman give it a try anyways. The Smoking Gunns vs. The Bodydonnas -- the Bodydonnas are one of my favorite tag teams now because they did me a favor... they brought in a REAL woman, Cloudy. With Helen Hart getting less airtime and Sweet Sapphire nowhere to be found, Cloudy is a breath of fresh air. I hope Skip beats the livin hell outta that wench Sunny, har har har, that'll teach her to two-time the man Phineus Godwinn. Oh, by the way, did you guys see Phineus slop Sunny? Har har har that was great. Too bad they don't show it that much. I'd like to see more replays, like maybe 10 or so every show, from different angles and stuff. That'd be great har har har. I think the Bodydonnas are gonna kick them cowboys' behinds! HOOOOOOOOOO!! The Caribbean Legend Savio Vega vs. Justin Hawk Bradshaw -- I see Savio going off on Bradshaw like a barrel of TNT. The Hawk has shown me nothing in his short tenure here in the WWF, even losing to Freddie Joe Floyd. Floyd should hang out with the Godwinns. He could be a winner, I can see it in his wild eyes. That southern boy is a young pistol in the makin. If only ol' Phineus would teach him some holds. Maybe Hillbilly Jim could give him a good workout teachin' him some good ol' farm chores. But anyways, back to the match. I see Savio destroying that punk Bradshaw. Savio'll kwang him with a right and a left, then deliver the spin kick, and BAM! 1-2-3, it's over. HOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! That's about it for now. Look for a post or two by me in the WCW (WHERE THE BIG BOYS PLAY) area, I'll be discussing the current situation there. I can't believe that the WWF sent Deesul and Razor to try to take over WCW (WHERE THE BIG BOYS PLAY)... what low lifes.. but I'll discuss it more in WCW NEWS & INFO. Until next time...........HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! DF1 (FROM THE WCW FOLDER) Subj: HOOOOOOOOO! Hogan sucks!! Date: 96-07-16 05:31:20 edt From: DugganFan1 HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Hey folks, Jim DugganFan1 here. If any of you wonder where I've been during the past few weeks, I was on vacation in Ireland, visiting sites that Jim Duggan's grandmother & great grandmother fought historic taped fist matches. HOOOOOOOOO!! Needless to say I was impressed. I've even got a picture of myself (yes, DugganFan1) next to a historic site where Ol' Ma Duggan defeated Big Bertha O'Mally in a taped fist match. If any of you would like it, e-mail me and I'll send it to you. Right now, I'm going to talk about the current situation in WCW (WHERE THE BIG BOYS PLAY). To be honest, I've been in tears ever since last Sunday. Two things happened that night that will change my life forever....... #1 - Hacksaw Jim Duggan is CHEATED out of a win by Dorky Dallas Page. What a cheater. CHEATER!! HOOOOOOOO!!! DDP hit ol' Jim in the family jewels!!! I think DDP is just jealous because ol' Jim comes from a long line of taped fist champions, and he doesn't want Jim to continue the line of them because they'd all beat up DDP. And then that crooked referee counted a fast 3 on poor Jim. WHAT A PHONY!!! Jim Duggan should be the US Champion AND the Lord of the Ring today, not to mention world champion (after all, he's defeated the Giant many times). But at least Jim made the PPV for me, knocking Dippy Dallas Page with his TAPED FIST O TERROR!!!! HOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I can't believe DDP even tried to put tape on his fist. He can't match up to Jim. #2 - Hollywood Hulk Hogan......... For 12 long years I've been a Hulkamanic. I've trained, said my prayers, ate my vitamins, believed in myself, and believed in the HULKSTER. But not anymore. Nope. No sir. July 7, 1996 was the day that Hulkamania DIED. The Hulkster turned his back on all his fans and friends in WCW (WHERE THE BIG BOYS PLAY). WHY HULK? WHY?? Think of all the people he disappointed. Me. Jim Duggan. Randy Savage. Eric Bischoff. Sting. Lex Luger. Those are just a few. All of it just to help those two outsiders. I can't believe that the WWF would send two wrestlers along with the Hulkster to try to take over WCW (WHERE THE BIG BOYS PLAY). I guess without the Ultimate Warrior, they need 2 thugs to try to take over the #1 promotion in the world. If the WWF keeps on giving Deesul and Razor orders to take over WCW (WHERE THE BIG BOYS PLAY) I may no longer watch the WWF. Although Razor should have an easy time with guys like Ric Flair, Chris Benwah, Dumb Dallas Page, and Ray Mysterio Jr, he's no match for HACKSAW JIM DUGGAN'S TAPED FIST!!! HOOOOOOOOO! Even though Deesul destroyed the "WWF Champion" Shawn Michaels and could probably obliterate Arn Anderson, Psychoses, Dean Malenko, and the GIANT, he's no match for Randy Savage's FLYING ELBOW!!! Or better yet, Jim Duggan would knock him into next week. har har har. But the Hulkster?? He's beaten everybody!! Everybody except Jim Duggan that is... So I have a plan to liberate WCW (WHERE THE BIG BOYS PLAY) from these 3 invaders, those outsiders, you know who they are. It's fairly easy. Step 1) Give Jim Duggan the world title he deserves, and have him challenge Hollywood Hogan. Although I think the Hulkster could get up from 1 taped fist shot, let's see him get up from a TAPED 2X4 SHOT!! I DOUBT HE CAN DO THAT!!! HAHA HOOOOOOOOOOOO! Step 2) Put BIG JOHN TENTA up aginst Deesul. Let's see Deesul raise his hand high in the air when BIG JOHN TENTA squashes the air out of his chest. Maybe John Tenta should tape up his butt, that'd probably hurt Deesul more. Whenever something is taped up it always seems to hurt more. Step 3) The AMERICAN DREAM Dusty Rhodes must come out of retirement. I'd love to see him hit Razor in the belly welly, if you will, and then clubber him into the corner. Dusty could knock out all of Razor's teeth. Razor thinks he's such a studd. Let's see him look cool with no teeth! Of course with the WWF's money he could probably buy diamond plated teeth, but still he wouldn't be as much of a man as HACKSAW JIM DUGGAN. In a few minutes Dusty would have Razor down and then BAM!!! The BIG (taped) ELBOW!! 1-2-3! WCW is liberated! HOOOOOOOO! And if that doesn't work, I'd love to see an Uncensored style cage match with Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. Hulk Hogan, Razor Ramon, and Deesul. Duggan would be victorious in seconds. I may go to HOG WILD, if I can repair my moped in time. I can't wait to hang out with all my biker buds, trading stories about my moped and their Harley's. It'll be great. Maybe JIM DUGGAN will ride his taped up HOG to HOG WILD. That'd be great. And before I sign off, I would like to let you all know (if you didn't) that I am NOT -Consprcy -MdntExprs -Gldnboyrlz -or anyone on RSPW. I am just a big fan of Hacksaw Jim Duggan. HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! DF1 (FROM THE WWF FOLDER) Subj: Outsiders Date: 96-07-16 06:04:03 edt From: DugganFan1 HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Hey folks, Jim DugganFan1 here. And I've been a fan of the WWF for a long time. 12 years in fact, since HULKAMANIA began. But it all changed July 7, 1996. That day, I learned the truth. I may no longer watch the WWF anymore, if they are going to send two thugs, two outsiders (you know who they are) to attack poor commentators like Eric Bischoff. But what really made me mad is the fact that the WWF's dirty money made HULK HOGAN turn against all his friends and fans that have been with him since day 1. You know, it just made me sick to see Hulk dropping the leg on his comrades. I hope it was worth it WWF. It's a sad day when the WWF has to send 2 thugs and the HULKSTER to WCW (WHERE THE BIG BOYS PLAY) to try and take over. Just wait til Deesul and Razor meet HACKSAW JIM DUGGAN.... He'll show 'em who's boss with a few TAPED FIST O TERROR SHOTS! HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! DF1 (FROM THE WCW FOLDER) Subj: My 1/2 Year WCW awards Date: 96-07-25 19:46:34 edt From: DugganFan1 HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Hey folks, Jim DugganFan1 here. A while ago I gave my WWF 1/2 Year Awards, and now it's time for (sgt. pittman style drum roll)....the WCW 1/2 Year Awards! HOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Wrestler of the Year: An easy choice for me. This award goes to none other than HACKSAW JIM DUGGAN. It's an easy choice, since Duggan is undefeated in 1996. Duggan has torn into Big Bubber and VK Wallstreet like none other before. Jim Duggan even stood up to the GIANT. That, my friends, takes guts. Jim Duggan took down the Giant with a TAPED FIST SHOT RIGHT SMACK DAB BETWEEN THE EYES. HOOOOOOOOOOOO! From there Jim Duggan went on to wrestle TWICE IN ONE NIGHT at Slamboree 1996. Although Jim was teamed with his arch enemy VK WALLSTREET, Jim was victorious and should have won the Lord of the Ring title that very night. Too bad the referee was crooked and VK Wallstreet did not want Jim to advance. From there Jim was victorious in the Great American Bash pre-game show, and has torn into opponents ever since. At the Bash at the Beach, Jim Duggan came within an inch of gaining back what is rightfully his, the Lord of the Ring title. Too bad that the referee was crooked and Diamond Dallas Page hit ol' Jim in the family jewels. It'd be hard for Jim to overcome such odds, but look for ol Hacksaw to win back the Lord of the Ring in due time. He is also the WCW US Heavyweight Champion, and the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, not to mention his WWF titles (King of the Ring, Tag team champ, and WWF world champ). Best Tag Team: The American Males. I would normall pick Duggan/Pittman but to avoid looking biased, I will go with the males. Bagwell is great. Riggs is incredible. This team has gone through everybody. My runners up to this award would be The Rock N Roll Express. I haven't seen a team as quick and as agile as them since the Natural Disasters. Manager of the year: Wildcat Willy. The guy has guided several careers to stardom. It's cool that WCW has found a real live cat that's that huge. I wish my cat could jump up and down and clap like that. Willy is great. Best good guy: Of course, Hacksaw Jim Duggan. But since Jim is my wrestler of the year, I'm going to have to go with BIG JOHN TENTA. John burst onto the scene without warning, caushing earthquakes and avalanches throughout WCW. In fact, John appeared just as the Shark left WCW. They do look somewhat alike, but John doesn't paint his beard. In fact, John only has 1/2 a beard. But Tenta avenged that. He knocked BIG BUBBER into next week with a sock full of silver dollars. Too bad that sock wasn't taped, Big Bubber wouldn't have a head anymore. It always seems to hurt more when things are taped up. Worst Bad Guy: No one bad guy has gotten my hatred more than VK Wallstreet. This guy just does not quit. He's taken taped fist shot after taped fist shot and still hasn't given up. I'm beginning to think that the only way to get rid of this guy is to call the IRS on him. Maybe Mean, Lean, Kevin Greene has some friends from his varsity football team that would like to take out Wallstreet. I'd love to see Hacksaw & Kevin clubber this guy around. I bet Sgt. Craig Pittman could be promoted to Captain if he ended VK's career. Best happening: Hacksaw Jim Duggan nails the Giant with a taped fist. HOOOOOOOOOOO! Best match: Hacksaw Jim Duggan & Craig "The Pitbull" Pittman vs. VK Wallstreet/Big Bubba Rogers - What a match. This has taken place several times, but I cannot recall a better contest than when they squared off on an episode of WCW Pro. The high point of this match was when Jim hit VK with his patented 3 point stance tackle. Pittman knocked Bubber out of the ring, and ol' Jim got the 1-2-3 on VK. But it wasn't over. Bubber came back into the ring to attack Jim. But Jim was prepared. He reached into his tights, pulled out a roll of tape, taped up his fist, and BAM!! HOOOOOOOOO! Out goes Bubber. Most Improved: The Desperado Joe Gomez. This guy was dominat already as the Ultimate Warrior, but in WCW the guy has taken it to a whole new level. He showed that turncoat Steve McMichael who the boss is at the Great American Bash. I see bright things ahead for Gomez & The Renegade. HOOOOOOOOO! Commentator of the 1/2 Year: Easily, if you will, the American Dream Dusty Rhodes. Every word that comes out of this guy's belly welly has meaning. Clubberin?! har har har that gets me laughing. And I love it when he talks about Tony's wife Lois. He is truly great. I can't wait til he returns to the ring. Storyline of the 1/2 year: The most entertaining event that I can reall this year in WCW has to be Big John Tenta getting revenge on Big Bubber. HOOOOOOOOOOOO! I may just shave off half of my beard and half of my hair in tribute to BIG JOHN. HOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Any comments? DF1 (FROM THE WWF FOLDER) Subj: DugganFan's WWF rumors Date: 96-07-25 20:09:34 edt From: DugganFan1 HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Hey folks, Jim DugganFan1 here. I've called a few hotlines here and there, and I've gotten a few hot rumors for you all. But first I will hit my CAPS LOCK KEY TO GAIN CREDIBILITY. REMEMBER, YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST FOLKS. -SUNNY WILL BE BRINGING IN HER SINGLES WRESTLER VERY SOON. LOOK FOR HIM TO DEBUT ON AN EPISODE OF MONDAY NIGHT RAW. WHEN HE ARRIVES THE WWF WILL BE DOOMED. I BELIEVE SUNNY IS BRINGING BACK THE GOBBLEYGOOKER. HE WAS A STUD IN HIS OWN RIGHT, AND COULD PROBABLY DESTROY THE WWF WITH ONE WING TIED BEHIND HIS BACK. TOO BAD.. I WAS ALWAYS A BIG FAN OF THE GOBBLEYGOOKER. -THE WWF MAY BE HIRING A NEW ULTIMATE WARRIOR. THE MAN TO REPLACE THE LAST (AND 5TH ULTIMATE WARRIOR) WILL BE NONE OTHER THAN OUTSTANDING NEWCOMER "BIG" VAL PUCCIO. ALTHOUGH I HAVE NEVER SEEN MR. PUCCIO WRESTLE (WHERE COULD HE HAVE WRESTLED? HE HASN'T BEEN IN EITHER THE WWF OR WCW (WHERE THE BIG BOYS PLAY)), I HEAR HE'S QUITE A FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH. -THE WWF RECENTLY SENT 2 THUGS (RAZOR AND DEESUL) TO TAKE OVER WCW. BUT IT ISN'T WORKING. LOOK FOR WCW TO SOON RE-SIGN THE GUARDIAN ANGEL & THE BOSS. THEY, ALONG WITH BIG BUBBER ROGERS WILL COME INTO THE WWF AND DO THEIR OWN VERSION OF THE HOSTILE TAKEOVER. -DUGGANFAN1 IS NOT SOME 'THANE' GUY. CONTRARY TO MAN PEOPLES' BELIEFS, DUGGANFAN1 IS JUST A BIG FAN OF HACKSAW JIM DUGGAN. This is all I've heard so far. Please keep in mind that I WAS THE FIRST TO POST THIS! I WAS THE FIRST TO POST THIS! I WAS THE FIRST TO POST THIS! I WAS THE FIRST TO POST THIS! I WAS THE FIRST TO POST THIS! I WAS THE FIRST TO POST THIS! I WAS THE FIRST TO POST THIS! HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! DF1 (FROM THE WCW FOLDER) Subj: DF1's WCW Rumors Date: 96-07-25 20:17:59 edt From: DugganFan1 HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Hey folks, Jim DugganFan1 here again. I called Gene Okerlund's hotline, and have a few rumors for you. But once again, I must hit my CAPS LOCK KEY TO GAIN CREDIBILITY, LIKE MOST RUMOR POSTERS TO THE GRANDSTAND. -THE DUNGEON OF DOOM WILL BE BRINGING IN A LEPRECHAUN SOON. LOOK FOR HIM TO IMPROVE THE STATE OF THE DUNGEON OF DOOM. HE WILL PATROL THE RINGSIDE AREA DURING MATCHES. LOOK FOR HIM TO BE THEIR CAR-PARKER AS WELL WHEN ARRIVING TO ARENAS. -WCW IS CLOSE TO SIGNING FORMER WWF "NATURAL DISASTER" EARTHQUAKE. HE WILL BE TEAMING WITH BIG JOHN TENTA IN HIS FEUD WITH BUBBA RODGARS. -HOLLYWOOD HOGAN IS MAKING ANOTHER MOVIE. THERE HAS BEEN SOME TROUBLE ON THE SET, HOWEVER, AS COMMENTATOR ERIC BISCHOFF HAS BEEN CALLING HIM ASKING HIM TO "JOB". WHATEVER THAT MEANS. -RAZOR AND DEESUL ARE OUT OF THE HOG WILD TAG MATCH AGAINST STING & LEX LUGER. TAKING THEIR PLACES WILL BE 2 NEWCOMERS, KEVIN NASH AND SCOTT HALL. BUT LOOK FOR RAZOR & DEESUL TO INTERFERE. -WCW HAS SUCCEEDED IN SIGNING THE MAN THE WWF WANTED TO BE THE 6TH ULTIMATE WARRIOR. THIS NEWCOMER, THE ULTIMATE DRAGON, WAS TO BE THE 6TH WARRIOR IF PRESIDENT GORILLA MONSOON HAD HIS WAY. BUT THIS ULTIMATE DRAGON WILL BE FACING RAY MYSTERIOSO JUUNEOR AT THE WCW PPV I WILL BE ATTENDING, HOG WILD. -CONTRARY TO SOME RUMORS, DUGGANFAN1 IS NOT SOME 'THANE' GUY. I AM JUST A BIG FAN OF HACKSAW JIM DUGGAN. HOOOOOOOOOOO! How was that? I should be calling Gene's hotline soon again, so I may have more rumors for you guys. Coming soon is a full profile of HACKSAW JIM DUGGAN!!! HOOOOOOO!! DF1 (FROM ONE OF THE FOLDERS) Subj: Re:Duggan Fan Date: 96-07-26 19:52:09 edt From: DugganFan1 << DF's been slumming on rec.sport.pro-wrestling newsgroup on the Internet. He's been posting (legitimately) out of Concordia University in Montreal (as opposed to his usual rspw home in Illinois). >> Those weren't me. I've only posted to RSPW myself a few times, and those were all posts that were already in the Grandstand before. Every time I posted to RSPW it was under my DugganFan1@AOL.com handle as well. Perhaps those DugganFan's spawned the same way that there were more than 1 Doink at WrestleMania 9. I always wondered how that happened. Did he drink a potion or something?? There were even a couple of Doinks that looked like Mo, Mabel, Luke, and Butch at Survivor Series 93. I wish I could drink a potion like that, I'd give up watching Bubber vs. Tenta to look like Luke or Butch. HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! DF1 (FROM THE OFFICAL WWF AHMED JOHNSON AREA) Subj: DEAR AHMED - PLEASE RESPOND Date: 96-08-03 23:30:43 edt From: DugganFan1 HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Hey Ahmed. Seeing that you can speak two languages, I was hoping I could communicate with you on the internet. I am one of the few that can speak your language, so I'm sure our conversation will be safe. lkjwer jwakler jvkl resapr pewrc s erlkj jslejr jb. wlrk bosdfu gwoi ahor !! jalwkrj wlwjrlbmla zxbn zljf.,m doeur gslj lsdaw sdjf !! jer3djkb jrle. jrl klrjaw?? rjwaer DF1