'I Saw Vince Russo Today !!!!!!!!!!' from June 3, 2000

Well you know something Mean Gene ?

I was riding in my red, white and blue moped today and I was cruisin' the streets lookin' for a bunch of lovely ladies who (nN) would like to spend an evening at Casa de Hacksaw(Fan) and watch those classic Hacksaw/WallStreet matches from 95 and 96. I know that the ladies dig DA MAN.

So while I was on my search, I passed by a man. A man with a beard. A man with a New York Yankees jersey on. It also appeared that he had a baseball bat with him while he was on his way to the park. So I put two and two together (through your face on the mat) and I deduced that it MUST have been Vince Russo !!!!! NO ONE likes the Yankees in NY State !!

Can you believe that Vince Russo was in Glenns Falls NY ?? He must have gotten lost from Little Italy.

So I decided to take him back there, via TAPED FIST MAIL !! HOOOOOOOOOO !!!!

I stopped my moped and said 'HEY RUSSO ! HEY POWER TO BE !!' and he was ignoring me.

Well you know that just got my blood boilling, so I reached into my tights and grabbed some tape and ... I WHACKED HIM !!!!!!!!

He kept saying 'Who is this Russo ?!?!? Please somebody help !!!!'. I said 'YOU AREN'T NEIDHART !!!! AND NEIDHART ISN'T RUSSO !!!!'. I continued to punch him while saying "Y ou may have gotten rid of LOSERweights, but you shall pay for insulting Hacksaw back in November !!!!! This one's for Hacksaw ! THWACK ! This one's for what you did to Liz !! TWACK !!! This one's for HULK ! THWACK ! ...." I even said "I'M GOING TO GIVE YOU A YAPAPI INDIAN STRAPPAGE NUMBER 3 !!!! THWACK !!!!!". I even took out my 2x4 and told him two words : 'Inhale that!!!!!' while pointing down there (the smell of my taped toes ... what did you think I would point to ?)

Then the Big Boss Man and Bull Buchanan came on down and they tried to stop me and arrest me. Whil they went to get their handcuff I overheard that I may be some guy they have been looking for since December. They say that "I" beat up some video store clerk for some idiotic reason. I do not know what t hey meant by that !

Eitherway, while they weren't looking I Hulked up and broke out of the the cuffs and ran off in my moped. And just like Chuck Palumbo on Nitro, I got away with it !!!

In case you are wondering, I didn't find any chicks, but I spoke to one today ! I think I am making progress !

(who didn't want to cause trouble - beating up Vince Russo should be legalized !)