WWF SummerSlam 1995

You know something Mean Gene? Many of BRAHS have been wondering why I have only reviewed ONE WWF pay per view. They have questioned my bias towards wCw/WCW/nWo, WHERE THE BIG BOYS PLAY, but I have to say that the WWF has been weak ever since 98 (when THE POWER THAT BE was in charge, mind you), but it hasn't always been like that. To confront the MIGHTY new force that is WCW (WHERE THE BIG BOYS PLAY), Vince McMahon (without Russo, Ferrera and son Shane) was all alone (well he had Patterson and Cornette) and his brilliance and vision on the sport was shown more than ever. The apex of his ingenuity was the late Spring to the fall of 1995. The WWF was giving Hulk Hogan, the Macho Man and the BIG BOYS a run for its money. So that's why I decided to review one of the all-time classics in the history of wrestling, WWF SummerSlam 95.

- Live from the Igloo in Pittsburgh, Mr. Vincent Kennedy McMahon (when he was INTERESTING) is joined by the King Jerry Lawler as our commentators. Thankfully Jim R@ss wasn't here and wasn't bothering us with his Rikishi booty-like face.

- We see The Dean, Shane Douglas grading the matches. I thought I kicked this guy out of RSPW back in 96 ...

- The 1-2-3 Kid vs. Hakushi (with Shinjah): Like I said before, ALWAYS start the PPV with a snoozer. And this one lives up to its name. FYI, this was before The Kid betrayed Razor and was on his path to become Syxx/X-Pac. And, this was when the Kid had NO TALENT WHATSOEVER. Hot Sushi here can't do anything neither. So this is a boring one that ends with as the winner. -*** Attrocious match.

- Bob Spark Plugg Holly vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley: Talk about livenning up a crowd ! As Vince would say 'Start yer engines' !!!!!! Bob Holly is here and ready to wow the Pitty City Crowd. Also, Triple H is here and looking mighty good (and mighty small). Man, I think Vince gave all his remaining ICOPROs to Hunter. Hunter was still an aristocratic Blue Blood (not Regal, Taylor or Eaton) at this point. Hunter wins with the Pedigree. Exciting and thrilling match. *** 3/4.

- The Smoking Gunns vs. Jacob and Eli Blu (with Uncle Zebikiah) in a #1 Contender's Match: The Tag Champs Yokozuna and Owen Hart did not wrestle at the show, but they would make a small appearance at the end of the show. Eitherway, another big time match-up. Real life brothers team up against real life twins for the right to get a title shot somewhere down the line. The Blue have a lot of Creative ideas, only if they could Control it. This is a see saw match, but the Gunns end up by receiving the privilege of getting a big Yoko legdrop further on. ***

- Barry The Winner Horowitz vs. Body Donna Skip (with Sunny): What you say ?? What is Bad Barry doing on the show ?? Well I must say that I am shocked !!! You don't remember when on the Action Zone when Barry pinned Skip in the biggest Upset of ALL-TIMES ??? That was when JR spouted for the first time ever the 'repeat sayings' when he said "Horowitz wins ! Horowitz wins ! Horowitz wins !". That was the ONLY time I was thankful that JR was calling a match, cause it wouldn't have been the same. Just on a note of interest, I wasn't on the net at the time so I had no idea that Barry was going to win, but when I saw the match on TV, I had an eerie feeling that I was going to see Barry win the match for the first time.

Eitherway, Barry CLEANLY pinned Skip. Then on Superstars, Skip challenged Barry to a match. Skip said that all he needed was 10 minutes to beat Barry, and that if Barry lasted the 10 minutes without getting pinned, Skip would lose the match. Well guess what ? Barry lasted the 10 minutes without getting pinned !! If I remember correctly, Skip hired Hakushi to beat Barry for him, but due to backfired interfernce, Barry beat Hot Sushi too. So that set up the stage for this EPIC SummerSlam battle.

For most of the match, Sunny tries to get Horowitz injured or to lose the match. Boy is Horowitz popular. I guess they like his hard-luck, no-win gimmick which has been built up by the WWF (and now wCw) for the past 10 years). Skip has the victory in his hands, but decides to punish Barry even further. Suddenly Hakushi comes on down to the ring and Skip yells at the guy, so Hakushi attacks his former buddy. Skip is so dazed that Barry sees an open opportunity and small packages the Body Donna for the win. *

- Oh man, am I in trouble. I didn't study for the test. Dean Douglas is gonna fail me now .... *PHEW*, he's only here to enlighten the lemmings about a word that they never heard and will never use.

- WWF Women's Champion The Woman of the 90's Alundra Blaze vs. challenger B-YOOOOO-TIFUL Bertha Faye (with Handsome Harvey Wippleman) : Oh man. Homina homina homina. My dream lady is in .... da ..... house !!!!!! The challenger is the bestest woman in the whole universe that the wretsling world has ever seen (but Helen Hart and Mae Young are runner-ups). Anyhoo, Bertha is wearing those sexy polka-dot technicolor dress, and she looks ready to take the title away from that hag Alundra Blaze. The match starts with my woman absolutely thrashing Alundra until she miscalculates a splash. The Chump tries to pin the woman, but she didn't hear her roar and Alundra continued to get the punding of a life time. After some Wippleman interference, Bertha catches Alundra for a powerbomb and gets the 1 ... 2 ... and 3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Big celebration at the Epstein household. ********.

- The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer) vs. The Superme Fighting Machine Kama in a Casket Match: OK, since this is basically the end of the feud, I will explain it all. Take a seat back folks cause this is gonna be a LONG ride.

Let us take you back to the 1990 Survivor Series. Ted DiBiase claimed to have a mystery partner, which he did. It was Kane the Undertaker. Later on, at the 1994 Royal Rumble, Ted DiBiase makes his return to the WWF after being MIA for less than 6 months. At that same event, the Undertaker wrestled Yokozuna in a Casket Match. In that match, it took 10 men to beat the Undertaker (including IRS among others). UT died and went MIA for the next few months. Fast-foward to June or so. Ted DiBiase claimed that he found the Undertaker. Apparently, Paul Bearer claimed that wasn't the true UT, so at SummerSlam 94, Paul's UT would fight Ted's UT. As it turned out, Paul was right. Ted's UT was a fake. This outraged Ted so much that he sent out his good friend and former Tag Team title co-holder Irwin R. Schyster to take out the Undertaker. IRS interfered in UT's casket rematch with Yokozuna, but failed. Around that time, DiBiase formed the Million Dollar Corporation. In it he had IRS, Tatanka, Bam Bam Bigelow, King Kong Bundy and later on, Nikolai Volkoff, Sycho SID~! and Kama Mustafa (the Supreme Pimping Machine). At the Royal Rumble, IRS was going to wrestle UT. He did, and lost. Bundy interfered at the end which led to WrestleMania XI where Bundy lost to the Undertaker. Then Ted sent Kama to destroy the Undertaker. This time, Kama stole UT's urn, melted it and made a gold chain out of it. So UT challenged Kama to a Casket Match. *PHEW* Now onto the match.

After almost 20 minutes of HELLACIOUS battling and DiBiase run-ins, UT gets the Tombstone in and throws Kama into casket for the win. ****** This was such a good match that I couldn't even go into details about it !!

- Bret Hitman Hart vs. Dr. Isaac Yankem D.D.S. (with Jerry The King Lawler): Oh boy the WWF debut of this brother !! He's a brother tp all truckers out there !! Isaac Yankem, the personal dentist of Jerry Lawler, was going to extract (harharharhar) revenge on Bret for ruining The King's perfect teeth at the 95 King of the Ring. The match could go ANY way. Boy does this Isaac look familiar. Bret ends up by winning the match via D-Q when The King interferes. **. Bret really steals Isaac's spotlight here, so that explains the low rating from Doctar Isaak Yankem ... D.D.S.

- WWF Intercontinental Champion The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels vs. challenger The Bad Guy Razor Ramon in a Ladder Match: This was supposed to be Shawn vs. Sid as the big payoff for the developments that took place the day after WrestleMania XI, but new WWF President Gorilla Monsoon changed it to a Ladder Match with Razor Ramon in a cheap way to get bad guy reactions. Eitherway, this is your typical match from these two. It's the same as WMX except there are two ladders this time. Shawn and Razor, using both ladders race up to see who will get there first (and it ain't Jim). Shawn kicks Razor off of the ladder and grabs the belt for the win to tie the Ladder Series at 1. -******* BORING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Backstage, Dean Douglas is critiquing the match and insulting the two men, and then the beginning of the end for Shane Douglas's career in the big leagues for the next 5 years takes place. Razor Ramon sees this and whacks out the Dean, setting up a match between the two at In Your House III next month.

- WWF World Champion Big Daddy Cool Diesel vs. challenger KING~! Mabel (with Sir Mo): Now time for the REAL classic ! Let's take you back the the second In Your House in Nashville (or was it Memphis?). During the World Title Lumberjack match between Diesel and Sid, KING~! Mabel helped Sid (but Diesel still won). That set up a match for SummerSlam. The KING~! had a Royal Plan. He would force the British Bullfrog to betray Lex Luger and Diesel to help the KING~!. So now all the pieces are set for this masterpiece.

Big Daddy Kewl tries to slam the big man, but he can't. Boy is Deezuul moving around like a LOSERweight ! Suddenly the fearsome Sir Mo beats up on the Champ. Then T-PAC, the American Original and the Man Made In The U.S.A. ('Yes ! Yes ! Yes ! Yes ! Yes !' to quote Vince) , Lex LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGAR !!!! is there to save Diesel, but Big Daddy Cool thinks that Lex will turn on him like The BullFrog did, so he attacks Lex. Lex beats up on Mo. Mabel hits the belly-to-belly suplex (which is better than Scott Steiner's or Tazzzzzzz's). Diesel gets Mabel with a FLYIN SHOULDERBLOCK from the second rope to get the hard earned victory. ****** Instant classic


With the eception of the Ladder Match, I give this PPV an extremely high recommendation from me. What more can you ask for than TWO ****** matches ?!?!?!?!?!